Friday 29 June 2018

Patut Ke Dapatkan Kerja Pakai Kabel?

June 29, 2018 6
Patut Ke Dapatkan Kerja Pakai Kabel?

Hai semua,

Harini nak bebel-bebel sikit fasal kerja pulak. Topik panas ni, fasal kabel. Ni bukan membawang tau. Tapi tips kerja gitu. Ha....

satu perkara biasa
Kabel di tempat kerja, satu perkara biasa

Dalam dunia pekerjaan ni, selalulah dengar fasal kabel atau kroni ni. Ikut pengalaman kita, kerjalah kat mana-mana sekalipun, tentu ada pengalaman orang bisik-bisik. Eh, dia tu kabel besar. Dia dulu masuk sini pun sebab kabel. Ko jangan main-main dengan dia, kang dia report dengan kabel dia kang, mampus ko.

So, apa pendapat korang tentang kabel-kabel atau kroni ni? Patut ke kerja pakai kroni atau kabel ni? Betul ke orang yang pakai kroni atau kabel ni kebanyakannya tak layak dihormati? Betul ke mereka ni tak laku, tu yang terpaksa pakai kabel?

Sejujurnya daripada pengamatan dan pengalaman yang kita lalui. Memang mana-mana pun mesti ada istilah kroni atau kabel ni. Biasalah, kalau boleh ikut jalan senang, siapa pula nak jalan yang susah betul tak? Sebab tulah orang gunakan kabel.

jalan mudah atau payah?
Ada jalan mudah, siapa pula nak ikut jalan susah. Ye tak?

Seperkara lagi, kadang-kadang dalam sesuatu industri tu, sesetengah majikan lebih suka upah pekerja berdasarkan pengesyoran atau recommendation. Tapi kalau yang macam ni, tak semestinya berdasarkan kenalan atau kabel tu power tak power, tapi sebaliknya daripada pengalaman kerja individu tu sendiri.

Yerlah, mungkin individu tu memang hebat dalam pekerjaan dia dan mendapat penilaian yang bagus daripada rakan-rakan sekerja dia. So, mestilah orang akan puji betapa baiknya. Lagipun, kalau dah ada yang pernah bekerja dengan orang tersebut dan ada review baik, siapa tak nak amik dia kerja, betul tak? Daripada amik risiko dengan orang yang kita langsung tak kenal, baik ambil pekerja yang dah dikenali dalam industri. Kalau ikut beli produk pun, mestilah kita beli yang ada good review. Betul tak???

Kalau pattern-pattern camni, biasa kita tak kategorikan sebagai kabel. Kita akan kategorikan sebagai pengesyoran atau reccomendation daripada kenalan. Tapi, bagi sesetengah orang, alah, kabel jugalah tu. Ha gitu... Tapi kalau ni kira kabel, kira kabel low voltage la kot. Yang biasa orang menyampah ni, kabel high voltage ala-ala Maxis Fibre Optic gitu... Kalah kabel-kabel internet lain. Laju je dapat kerja walaupun hampeh. Eh!!

Kabel mungkin mencetus konflik
Photo of Overtime from Shutterstock.  Kabel juga mungkin mencetuskan konflik di tempat kerja

Jadi tak kiralah orang tu melalui kabel atau pengesyoran.  Baik buruk penggunaan kabel atau kroni ni sebenarnya berdasarkan individu tersebut sendiri. Baik yang dibuatnya, baiklah di mata orang dan buruk yang dibuatnya, buruklah pada pandangan mata orang.

Sebenarnya kabel atau kroni ni tak semuanya hampeh. Malah ada juga yang ada kabel tapi takkan sewenang-wenang menggunakan kabel dan hanya menggunakan kabel apabila ada keperluan. Tapi biasalah tu, kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga. Yang hampeh-hampeh tulah yang menyebabkan individu baik yang menggunakan kabel ni turut terpalit sama.

Daripada apa yang kita nampak, ada beberapa jenis penggunaan kabel dan kroni, antaranya:

1. Yang minta direkemenkan kerja, mungkin untuk dapat interview je. Kemudiannya semua atas usaha sendiri. Kira buka laluanlah. Kuasa sama ada nak ambil bekerja atau tak, masih pada tangan majikan. Biasanya ni dasar tolong kengkawan/kenalan/pengesyoran.

2. Yang minta terus kerja, memanglah lalu proses normal tapi sebenarnya cuma fomaliti. Tapi hakikatnya, dah sah-sah kerja tu dalam genggaman dia. Yang ni biasanya faktor politikus. Kira nilah kabel high voltage.

3. Yang memang tu company mak bapak/saudara-mara dia. So, baik buruk memang tetap dia akan bekerja di situ nanti. Ha, yang nilah digelar kroni. Dah memang cucu cicit, sedara-mara, anak-beranak dia. Korang tu siapa nak tak puas hati? Ha camtulah kiranya.

Tapi tak kisahlah kabel tu tahap yang mana sekalipun, nak tak nak kita kena akurlah yang tu memang rezeki dia untuk diterima bekerja di situ. Tulah, siapa suruh korang takde kabel? Kenalah usaha lebih kalau nak dapatkan kerja. Sob sob sob....

Tak kiralah orang tu kabel tahap berapa sekalipun, sebenarnya tak menjadi masalah bagi sesiapa pun. Sebab kebanyakan orang faham, orang macam ni memang ada 'keistimewaan' dan 'kelebihan' daripada segi tu. Apa yang membuat orang menyampah dah meluat ialah sebenarnya bila orang-orang yang masuk sebab kabel tu mendatangkan sesuatu yang negatif. Ye dok?

Saya sendiri pun pernah bekerja dengan ramai 'somebody' yang dikatakan diterima bekerja kerana kabel atau kroni. Tapi mereka semua mempunyai kebolehan bekerja dan perwatakan yang sangat disenangi. Walaupun anak 'somebody', diorang ni berusaha keras untuk menjalankan tugas, sentiasa merendah diri, menjaga disiplin, bertanggungjawab dan membuatkan orang hormat dan respek terhadap keupayaan mereka. Kenapa? Sebab diorang tak naklah dicop tak pandai buat kerja dan hanya dapat kerja disebabkan kabel je. Tak dinafikan memang ramai yang masih berintegriti dan bermaruah dalam menjalankan tugasan, tak kisahlah kabel atau tidak.

Saya yakin, apa yang salah dan dibenci tentang penggunaan kabel atau kroni ni berpunca daripada sesetengah individu yang menyalahgunakna kabel untuk kepentingan  dan kesenangan diri sendiri. Contohnya, dah dapat kerja tapi tak nak bekerja betul-betul, tak jaga disiplin, dapat kerja gaji besar dan pangkat tinggi tapi tak boleh nak perform. Malah ada juga yang sampai tahap selalu mengular, culas tanggungjawab dan menyalahgunakan kuasa sehingga menyebabkan orang naik meluat dan menyampah. Itulah sebenarnya yang membuatkan golongan ni dibenci.

Kalau berdepan dua kabel yang mencetuskan masalah, tak ke lagi pening kepala?
Bagi individu macam ni, cuba semak perbuatan dan tindakan anda serta muhasabah diri. Kerana cara anda ini bukan sahaja mendatangkan ketidakpuashatian orang yang terpaksa cover kerja anda, tetapi tak fasal-fasal kabel yang bawa korang masuk pun akan turut dipandang rendah, dicaci dan mungkin dikeji. Walhal kabel atau kroni tu cuma berniat baik nak menolong. Tapi bila korang buat tahi macam ni, siapalah yang nak mendoakan yang baik-baik. Ye dok?

Bukankah lebih baik kalau bersyukur dengan pertolongan kabel yang diberi dan membalas balik pertolongan tersebut dengan menjalankan tugas dengan penuh amanah dan berintergriti? In the first place memang korang juga yang nak kerja tu kan? So apa kata buat je kerja tu baik-baik. Barulah tak sia-sia kabel korang tu rekemen bekerja di situ.

Kesimpulannya, tak salah pun sebenarnya pakai kabel. Untung lagi ada kabel. Orang yang takde kabel atau tak pandai guna kabel ni juga yang kesian. Tapi apa  boleh buat, terpaksalah usaha lebih. Tapi ingat, orang mengata bukan kerana cemburu korang ni ada kabel atau kroni. Tapi sebaliknya orang mengata dan mengeji sebab korang tak pandai bawa diri dan tak sedar diri. Harap faham.

Sekian bebelan ikhlas dan nota untuk diri sendiri.
Prettily Rare

Baca juga:

Pilih Bos Baik Atau Syarikat Yang Baik
Senarai 7 Hadiah Yang Paling Mengecewakan
Batalkan Niat Dekati Ibu Tunggal Jikalau Kamu....
8 Sebab Anda Tak Dipanggil Untuk Temuduga
Tips Pelbagaikan Sumber Pendapatan
Rahsia Semakin Berusia Semakin Cantik
Aplikasi Pantau Kesihatan Kewangan
10 Nasihat Kepada Wanita Berusia 30-an
Pentingnya Bahasa Cina Sebagai Bahasa Ketiga

Thursday 28 June 2018

Pretty and Gorgeous Blooms From A Better Florist Malaysia

June 28, 2018 1
Pretty and Gorgeous Blooms From A Better Florist Malaysia

Moder Blooms Delivered Nationwide
A Better Florist- Be Better, Bloom Better

All things pretty definitely include gorgeous, farm fresh flowers, and A Better Florist is a Malaysia flower delivery that can’t be topped when it comes to unique, fresh florals. From hand bouquets to floral arrangements in vases and jars, the best florist in Malaysia has a very satisfying offering, which they didn’t take overboard, but still offer enough. They have a small selection of all kinds of flowers and arrangements, and although it’s not a huge catalog that you have to scroll through for days, they’ve managed to create a stunning collection with something for everyone. 

They’re considered the best flower delivery Singapore has, and are known as the best florist in Kuala Lumpur, because their creativity is over the top. This florist team takes your favourite blooms and arrange them so uniquely, it’s hard not to fall for their designs. They’re the attention-grabber wherever you place them, wherever you take them.


A Better Florist can also be considered a gift delivery, with a curated catalog of hampers and fruit basket. Every fruit basket is packed with fresh fruits, and every hamper is themed so that it suits a certain special occasion or holiday. For example, if you were planning to go to a baby shower soon, A Better Florist sells a baby hamper, but they also have a get well soon hamper, which can be perfect for newbie moms. There’s several more choices, for different occasions, and these gifts are becoming really popular at their flower delivery in Ipoh, a flower delivery in Penang, and the flower delivery to JB.
As they have a few locations where they deliver from, A Better Florist is one of the rare florists that can deliver fast, and to almost any location you can think of. By offering a free same day flower delivery, they definitely set the standards for all other florist, and customers finally have a florist that they can count on in case of those emergencies. No more stressing out if you forget to buy flowers, because A Better Florist can do it for you.

These gorgeous flowers can be purchased online, at their online store, which is really simple to use, even if you’re not that into online shopping, or you’ve never shopped online before. You can access it from mobile or the computer for ultimate convenience. They have a website for their UAE flower delivery, for the Hong Kong flower delivery and their flower delivery Singapore enjoys.

Recently, A Better Florist expanded to offer a flower delivery Brisbane, and a flower delivery Dubai has. A lot of testimonials online describe A Better Florist as the best flower delivery in UAE and the best florist in HK. When it comes to Malaysia and their KL flower delivery an all other deliveries, this sounds like the most promising flower shop that exists so far. Visit their website today and take a look for yourself what this amazing team is all about.


Tuesday 12 June 2018

Sunfeet: Jenis Tapak Kaki Punca Sakit Kaki, Badan dan Pinggang

June 12, 2018 1
Sunfeet: Jenis Tapak Kaki Punca Sakit Kaki, Badan dan Pinggang

Hai semua,

Sunfeet - Your Orthotics & Prosthetics Expert

Hari ni nak cerita sedikit fasal masalah lazim yang dialami semua orang iaitu sakit kaki, badan dan pinggang. Contohnya lenguh-lenguh, rasa mencucuk di bahagian tumit dan sebagainya. Selama ni, mungkin kita rasa puncanya hanyalah kerana berdiri terlalu lama, jalan terlalu jauh, keletihan dan sebagainya. Tapi selama ni, kita tak pernah sangka pula, punca sebenarnya ialah disebabkan tapak kaki yang tidak normal.

Apa? Tapak kaki pun ada kira normal atau tak normal juga ke? Yep! Tepat sekali. Rupa-rupanya, tapak kaki pun ada jenis-jenisnya juga. Antaranya tapak kaki leper (flat feet), tapak kaki dengan lengkungan tinggi (high arch), serta yang bersifat pronasi (pronated feet).

Aiyo... macam-macam jenis kaki betul

Pening pula tengok macam-macam jenis kaki
Sebenarnya dari dulu lagi kesedaran tentang kesihatan kaki dan tapak kaki ni wujud sejak-sejak adik saya didapati mempunyai tapak kaki leper. Biasanya orang yang bertapak kaki leper ni dianggap sebagai tidak normal dan tidak mempunyai imbangan badan yang stabil dan dikecualikan daripada latihan ketenteraan di negara seperti Singapura, Taiwan dan sebagainya. Waktu tu, saya masih lagi ambil remeh isu kesihatan kaki sebab tak pernah sangka kaki dan tapak kaki sendiri mungkin bermasalah. Sehinggalah Sunfeet International Rehabilitation Centre mengadakan sesi taklimat di pusat rehabilitasinya beberapa hari lepas.

Kaunter di Sunfeet

Khusyuk betul doktor berikan penerangan

Memang saya akui dah lama saya mengalami sakit tumit dan tapak kaki terutamanya selepas seharian bertugas di pejabat tetapi saya cuma menganggapnya sebagai satu simptom yang normal memandangkan saya perlu memakai kasut tinggi ke tempat kerja dek kerana tuntutan kerja dan selalu perlu berjalan ke sana sini dengan kerap terutamnya sewaktu mempunyai majlis. Namun, tak sangka pula faktor tapak kaki dan jenis kaki saya merupakan punca utama kesakitan kaki yang saya alami.

Mujurlah Sunfeet International Rehabilitation Centre ini menawarkan perkhidmatan pemeriksaan percuma di mana pusat rehabilitatsi ini akan membuat imbasan pada kedua-dua belah kaki bagi mengenal pasti masalah kaki dan tapak kaki yang dihadapi. Selain itu, kakitangan di pusat rehabilitatsi ini juga akan menerangkan dengan lebih lanjut tentang jenis kaki dan tapak kaki anda dan seterusnya menawarkan solusi atau jalan penyelesaian bagi mengurangkan, meredakan mahupun merawat masalah kaki dan tapak kaki.
Check kaki Mia sat

Mia konon jadi model sat

Posing jangan tak posing

Aiyak, kenapala kaki kita ni pronated

Menurut Dato Dr Edmund LeePakar Ortotik & Prostetik di Sunfeet International Rehabilitation Centre, sekiranya yang mengalami masalah kaki dan tapak kaki ialah orang dewasa, maka penyelesaiannya ialah untuk mendapatkan kasut ataupun lapik dalaman kasut (insole) yang bersesuaian bagi menyokong kaki dan tapak kaki yang bermasalah. Namun, jika pesakit masih lagi kecil, maka mereka boleh menjalani rawatan dan terapi dan kebiasaannya 70% daripada masalah yang dialami dapat diperbetulkan.
Antara kasut-kasut yang ada di Sunfeet

Ha, nilah antara tapak insole yang boleh dipilih

Memandangkan anak saya yang berusia 7 tahun sering mengalami masalah sakit pinggang, saya pun turut membawanya untuk menerima pemeriksaan percuma. Hasilnya saya dapati Mia mempunyai tapak kaki leper. Patutlah Mia ni asyik mengadu penat kalau bawa dia berjalan jauh. Tapak kaki leper rupa-rupanya.

Menyentuh tentang lapik dalam kasut ataupun insole, mereka yang mempunyai tapak kaki dan kaki bermasalah boleh memilih untuk membeli insole sedia ada (ready-made) ataupun menempah khas (custom-made). Namun sudah semestinya tempahan khas lapik dalam kasut tersebut akan berharga lebih mahal. Tapi pernah dengar tak ayat 'sepasang kasut yang bagus boleh membawa anda pergi lebih jauh'? Rasanya kata-kata ni dipetik dari skrip watak Shizuka Todo dalam drama/novel Meteor Garden.

Sebenarnya dah lama dengar ayat ni, tapi bila sudah dewasa ni barulah saya tahu betapa pentingnya sepasang kasut yang bagus dan berkualiti. Mana taknya? Kalau kita pakai kasut yang tak selesa, nak jalan jauh pun rasa tak seronok. Sebab tulah bila dewasa ni saya lebih terbuka untuk membelanjakan duit untuk kasut yang berkualiti. Kalau tak dulu, kasut sekolah saya dah ketat pun tetap pakai juga sampai tak boleh pakai. Lagipun, kaki kita ni sepasang tu je. Kalau sendiri tak sayang, siapa lagi kan?

Di sebelah kiri tu custom made manakala yang di sebelah kanan tu ready-made.

Oh ya, sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitri ni, Dato' Dr Edmund Lee dan Sunfeet International Rehabilitation Centre menawarkan 10% diskaun bagi pembelian kasut-kasut yang direka khas untuk keselesaan dan kesihatan kaki penggunanya. Bolehlah kita semua beraya dengan lebih jauh dan selesa tahun ni kan?

Bagi mereka yang berminat untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan kaki dan tapak kaki percuma ni, bolehlah singgah dan mendapatkah khdimat konsultasi daripada Dato' Dr Edmund Lee ya?

Sunfeet International Rehab Centre
Block C, 18 Jalan 19/1, Seksyen 19
46300 Petaling Jaya, Sel.
Tel: 013-5283939/013-9122939
Instagram: @Sunfeet

Sekian, perkongsian ikhlas daripada

Prettily Rare

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Tuesday 5 June 2018

Paradigm Mall Panggung Raya Launch 2018

June 05, 2018 0
Paradigm Mall Panggung Raya Launch 2018

Hi everyone,

It has been a long time since I last attended any blogging event or post any blog content since I have been busy with work. Well, I am quite a workahlic and I take my job seriously. Like, very seriously. That's why I feel very sad that I have to stop blogging for a while just to focus on my job despite receiving a lot of event and review invitation. However, there is one particular event invitation that has caught my eyes and I actually RSVPed.

I can say that upon receiving the invitation, I was quite thrilled that the organiser aka Paradigm Mall is revitalising the ancient art of wayang kulit for their Panggung Raya 2018 Launch. As an experienced public relations practitioner with more than 10 years experience, I would say that this is definitely something different. I love the fact that somebody is actually care with preserving and revitalising our culture of wayang kulit.

Panggung Raya by Paradigm Mall

In Malaysia, wayang kulit or shadow puppetry traced its origin from the East Coast of The Peninsular in the late 1800s. Some says that the origins of wayang kulit can be traced back to India or even China. It is also common in other culture such as the Javanese and Balinese in Indonesia. Whatever it is, wayang kulit is part of Malay culture. I remembered that my boss used to instruct me to do some reasearch on the character of wayang kulit namely Hanuman, Sri Rama, Sita Dewi Maharaja Rawana and Laksamana.

This somehow relates me with one of the initiatives by someone back when I started working in MyCreative 5 years ago. Realising that wayang kulit is a dying art, Mr Chuo Yuan Ping together with his art director friend Teh Take Huat and master puppeteer Muhammad Dain Othman have been performing a section of the original 1977 Star Wars film as a shadow play about a dozen times since 2013. I personally think that such an effort managed to give a the ancient art a fresh breath and thus attracting the younger generations to get to know our Malaysian culture and heritage.

Star Wars wayang kulit or also known as peperangan bintang

The Wayang Kulit, which is part of Paradigm PJ's Panggung Raya celebrations will take place form 25 May until 24 June 2018, every weekend at 4.30pm. Feel free to immersed yourself with special performances such as Cak Lempong, Raya Dance as well as workshops such as clay art making, ketupat weaving, kuih raya making during weekend while you shop a plethora of Raya goodies such as attires, cookies, carpets and traditional snacks at the Upper Atrium, Level UG, Paradigm Mall, Kelana Jaya.

After the Panggung Raya Launch, Paradigm Mall has also treated 40 underprivileged children from Rumah Telaga Kasih with a shopping spree followed by a buka puasa feast at a New World Hotel in Paradigm, Petaling Jaya.

Tan Boon Leong, Centre Manager of Paradigm Mall PJ (in gray blazer) and Intan Yusnita, Head of Advertising and Promotions, WCT Malls Management Sdn Bhd with special guests from Rumah Telaga Kasih

All children received a duit raya from Paradigm Mall PJ

The children enjoying Raya shopping at Tesco

Some of the children enjoying their buka puasa feast at New World Petaling Jaya Hotel
Oh, by the way, I am also excited to know that New World Hotel is also having their Ramadan buffet. Thanks to this event, I have the chance to get to know that there's a new hotel in town. I shall write a review regarding the Ramadan Buffet if I have time to break-fast there. I can say that the spread looks really sumptuous. Please give me some feedback if you guys have already tried it out.

See you guys soon.

Prettily Rare

Saturday 2 June 2018

Review: W Hotel Bali, Seminyak

June 02, 2018 11
Review: W Hotel Bali, Seminyak

Hi everyone,

Today I am going to share my review on a luxury hotel aka W Bali Seminyak. I went to Bali last September and I stayed there for 3 days 2 nights. W Bali - Seminyak is 25-45 minutes from Denpasar International Airport. It is a trendy enclave, highly-concentrated with chic restaurants, bars and clubs, fashion designer boutiques, eclectic galleries and furniture making centers.

Beach and seaside
Totally breath-taking, but you cannot swim here

Before going to Bali, I have done quite a lot of research about Bali and asked a lot of acquaintances on their opinion on Bali. Coincidentally, my sis just got back from Bali from her stay-cation with her husband and according to her, nothing interesting there. But, when I arrived Bali, I can say that it is totally mesmerizing and it offers a whole new experience, nothing like Jakarta or Bandung (the only two places that I have been in Indonesia).

Denpasar Airport

I would have to say that I love almost everything in Bali, the people, the culture, the environment, the architecture and everything! It is something that very unique that I don't mind going back again to Bali for stay-cation even though I normally would not want to revisit any places that I have been to because there are sooooo many places else in the world that I can explore. So, why repeat? Right???
Offerings for god
If you see this in Bali, kindly avoid to step on it. This is offerings for god called Canang Sari. It is believed that it will bring them good luck. 

Thanks to AirAsia, my flight delayed and I arrived behind the schedule. The journey from the airport to the hotel was less than one hour and luckily there traffic was smooth. The entrance of the hotel is quite hard to locate since it is in between of several shoplots where you would really won't expect that there's a hotel in between of the small alley of the shoplots.

The passage to the hotel was so small that only one car can be on the road at one time. Then, you will be welcomed to thes unique sensory World of W Bali - Seminyak. A physical reflection of all that is now in architecture, design and technology, W Bali - Seminyak is situated in the trendy and hip entertainment and shopping area of the “Island of Gods” – facing the famous Bali sunset.

Upon our arrival, the hotel served us with wet towel and welcoming drinks. While waiting for the check-in to be settled, we proceed to have our late lunch. It was very nice for the hotel to however still keep some of the food for us.

Overall, the hotel looks very vibrant and colourful with some graffiti on the wall. It is totally different from any other luxury hotels that I have stayed at. It doesn't look like the standard luxury hotels which normally use the same 'hotel-kind-of' colour tones and scheme. But yet, it offers the highest standard of quality and comfort of every other luxury hotels.
Main entrance and the buggy

The graffiti that I have told you. So chic and vibrant

This is the registration counter


Me posing acah-acah

Good for sun-bathing

The wind is quite strong here


The weather here is sunny but windy. Make sure you apply sunblock

The pool that you can hang out with your friends

One of the restaurant. Starfish bloo

Nice and cosy. 

A lot of sofas so that guest can have wide selection of their favorite spots

The view is just spectacular
The check in time for W Hotel Bali is the same as any other hotel which is at 3pm. However, since the booking was made few months in advance, I have requested for early check-in. But it was quite dissapointing when the hotel informed us that due to certain circumstances, the room will only be ready at 6.30pm. However, when I checked with the front office by 8pm, our room is still not ready!! Oh my!!

Being very exhausted with the earlier on flight delay drama, meetings and everything. The late check in made me even more easily irritated since I didn't get to lie down or take a bath or relax first because the room was not ready. Something that irritated me and my roomie further is the non-apologetic reaction by the front office staff when we approached them for a few times. How they behave was like, "Hey, I've told you the room is gonna be ready late, don't you get it?"

Later after that, we finally get our room. However, the room was totally different from the rest of the group. Unlike the rest of the room,  there are no tidbits..  No welcoming notes.. And no spa discount vouchers etc. Upset by this, I raised the issue to the account manager, Stephanie, who was in charge of our group.
I like the bedroom set-up

This is not available in our room! This photo was taken from my friend's room


Table for business travelers

This is not available in our room too!!

Cosy sofa

Balcony with sea view

Nice balcony
The bathroom

Toilet is separated from the bathroom

Love it!

A very huge one

Spacious and trendy

Luckily Stephanie was totally apologetic about this and thus she offered me and my roomie a spa treatment for 2. Thanks Stephanie, after what me and roommate had been through, the spa treatment can really soothe our mind and body.

Away Spa

The ambience

Bar inside the spa

Served with ginger tea if not mistaken

The make-up room


The massage room

Although W Bali Seminyak is located by the seaside, don't expect that you can swim in it. The wave is so huge and the current is so strong that it is well-known for surfing only.

For Muslims solo or small pax traveler, I would have to warn you that the hotel do not provide halal food. They can only cater for halal food if you stay in a larger group. However, the breakfast buffet is standard so, the halal food selection is super limited for breakfast. Taste-wise, I would say that the food is generally acceptable and some are  quite delicious.

This was my dessert on the day I arrived

Yums... I have sweet tooth

Special dinner set-up for us

Say yes to all these tropical fruits


Love this stall set-up

The buffet line

Add caption
Lunch the next day. The fries taste really good

Dessert was splendid

Yummy. Recommended

Creme brulee

Overall, I enjoyed my stay in W Hotel Bali, Seminyak. It was a wonderful experience despite the very late check in. Thanks for having us W Hotel Bali, Seminyak!

Prettily Rare

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